Assaulted at Work Compensation

Assaulted at Work Compensation

If you are injured in the course of your work, whether it is by way of an assault, you may be entitled to claim for assault at work compensation. Speak to one of our experts.

99% win rate

99% win rate

30+ years experience

30+ years experience

No win no fee

No win no fee

Can I claim compensation for being assaulted at work?

Yes. If you have suffered from sexual or physical abuse, no amount of financial compensation can take away the pain caused. In many cases of abuse the injuries can be severe and long-lasting, often staying with survivors throughout their lifetime. However, you may be entitled to compensation to support you.


What is an assaulted at work compensation claim?
How do I make an assaulted at work claim?
What am I able to claim for whilst making an assaulted at work claim?
How long do I have to make a claim?
Why choose LHD Lawyers for an assaulted at work claim?

We’re here to help

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  • 99% win rate
  • No win no fee guarantee
  • Over 30 years experience

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