Asbestos Claims

Asbestos Claims

Have you or a family member been exposed to asbestos? Get expert legal advice on asbestos claims from our asbestos compensation lawyers.

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99% win rate

30+ years experience

30+ years experience

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Asbestos compensation claim experts

Asbestos is a natural mineral fibre that was used frequently in building projects across Australia (and the world) from the 1940s until 1985. It was used in over 3,000 Australian building products, and also includes fibro-cement sheeting and heat-resistant clothing.

Frequent exposure to asbestos can result in damage to the lungs, with asbestos-related diseases often not showing symptoms until decades after the exposure has taken place. LHD Lawyers have a team of asbestos compensation claim experts who are on-hand to chat with you about your health problems potentially caused by asbestos exposure.

Can I claim for asbestos exposure?

If you have an asbestos-related disease after being exposed to asbestos in a public or work environment, you may be able to claim for compensation. You can claim start a compensation claim, even if:

  • Your employer is no longer in business
  • You are no longer working at the place you were exposed
  • You were self-employed or a contractor
  • You are (or were) a smoker
  • You only suffered from second-hand exposure

You can also apply for asbestos claim compensation even if you were exposed over 50 years ago, if the exposure was not work-related, or if it occurred during home renovations.


What are common asbestos compensation claims?
What diseases count as asbestos-related?
How long does an asbestos exposure claim take?
What is the statute of limitations for asbestos claims?
How do I make an asbestos exposure claim?

We’re here to help

Contact us today for free online claim checker and we can help get your life back on track.

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Complete the form or call 1800 455 725 for free claim advice.

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  • 99% win rate
  • No win no fee guarantee
  • Over 30 years experience

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