Win $200,000.00
Our client was an unrestrained passenger in the tray of a Ute. The driver of the vehicle had been drinking alcohol. The Ute was travelling at about 80 km/h along a bush track. The vehicle was driven in an erratic manner and our client was thrown from the back of the utility. Our client sustained head, neck, shoulder and knee injuries. The insurance company disputed the claim and said that our client's own culpability (called contributory negligence) was significant in both the accident (not wearing a seat belt) and in the occasioning of the injuries received. Despite having returned to full-time work and not achieving a Certificate from Medical Assessment of the Personal Injury Commission of greater than 10% LHD Lawyers were able to reach a settlement for our client in the sum of $200,000.
NSW Client,
Motor Vehicle Accident
Win $350,000.00
Our client was a passenger in a car driven by their daughter. They were on a quiet country road in western New South Wales. Their vehicle was struck head-on when the oncoming vehicle crossed to the incorrect side of the road. The speed of the approaching vehicle was approximately 100 km/hr. Our client was taken to hospital suffering injuries including small bowel, rib fractures, fractures to the toes, significant blood loss, fractured sternum and consequential psychological injury and trauma. The insurance company admitted its driver was at fault. Our client was assessed by multiple doctors on their solicitor's behalf and following these assessments the insurance company was forced to agree that our clients' injuries were serious. A settlement conference was initially unsuccessful because the insurance company didn't offer sufficient settlement compensation. After further persistent attempts at settlement LHD Lawyers were able to achieve a settlement for our client in the sum of $350,000.
NSW Client,
Motor Vehicle Accident
Win $930,000.00
Our client was knocked off their motorbike by a driver attempting to do a U-turn without any warning. Our client had injuries to the shoulder, neck, spine, scarring and also problems with both knees. The shoulder went on to develop into a chronic condition called frozen shoulder which required further surgery. The clients' injuries also included psychological injury. The insurance company trawled through the clients back history and found several events involving interactions with the police and attempted to discredit the client. The client was also submitted to the Personal Injury Commission to be Medically Assessed. Following multiple failed attempts at settlement where the insurance company would not offer enough compensation, LHD Lawyers achieved through the hearing process an award of $930,000.
NSW Client,
Motor Vehicle Accident
Win $200,000.00
Our client was riding their motor scooter in Sydney's Eastern Suburbs. An elderly driver failed to observe a STOP sign and collided forcefully with our client. The client was thrown from the scooter and suffered a nasty fractured femur. Our client had a number of surgeries including re admission for the removal of pins and screws from the fracture site. Our client relied on LHD Lawyers assistance as the client was very busy with other commitments in their life and wished to focus on their important work and career. LHD lawyers were able to negotiate a settlement with the insurance company in the amount of $200,000. Our client had already returned to full-time unrestricted work.
NSW Client,
Motor Vehicle Accident
Win $310,000.00
Our client was a passenger in a vehicle driven by their brother-in-law. Unfortunately, the vehicle, an open top sports vehicle, left the roadway and spun out of control. The driver died in the motor accident. Our client was left with significant physical and psychological injuries. Our client made a slow recovery with the significant ongoing multilevel spinal injuries, ongoing headaches, dizziness and psychological injury. Despite not being able to claim wage loss, and the client suffering a number of other unrelated medical and health issues, LHD Lawyers were able to negotiate a settlement with the insurance company for $310,000.00
NSW Client,
Motor Vehicle Accident
Win $1,155,000.000
Our client was a pedestrian on a pedestrian zebra crossing on a clear day when an elderly and drunk driver failed to see our client and struck them. Our client was thrown up and over the bonnet and was smashed into the windscreen. Our client had several months of rehabilitation and slowly progressed back to the workplace. Our client managed to achieve a return to work but was left with significant injuries and disabilities. The insurer admitted the fault of the driver but sought to minimise a payout based on the clients return to the workforce. LHD lawyers vigourously fought for our client and commenced the claim in the Personal Injury Commission. LHD Lawyers were able to negotiate a settlement of $1.1 million for our client prior to the hearing date.
NSW Client,
Motor Vehicle Accident
Win $275,000.000
Our client was driving across along a highway and came to an intersection. The Vehicle attempted to turn into the intersection and did not give way, causing a head on collision with our client who was driving straight. They suffered serious injury to their genitals and back causing sexual and urinal dysfunction. Our client received $275,000.000.
TAS Client,
Motor Vehicle Accident
Win $120,000.00
Our client was a back seat passenger in a vehicle being driven by their friend down a road on a raining night. The driver was speeding a lost control of the car causing the vehicle to spin and collide with a guard rail. Our client suffered an adjustment order and injury to their sternum. Our client received $120,000.00 in compensation.
TAS Client,
Motor Vehicle Accident
Win $500,00.00
Our client was a passenger in a vehicle being driven by their friend. The friend drove down a dirt track and caused their vehicle to collide with a tree limb of the side of the track. The tree branch went through the windshield and hit our client in the head. They suffered from blindness in their left eye as well as brain damage from the accident. LHD Lawyers settled the case for over $500,000.00.
TAS Client,
Motor Vehicle Accident
Win $200,000.00
Our client was a pedestrian who had been under the influence of alcohol at the time and was attempting to cross the road when they were struck by a vehicle sustaining significant physical and psychological injuries. They required multiple operations including surgery with a plate and screws inserted for the fractures. There was significant intra-abdominal trauma. The insurer disputed the claim and alleged they contributed to their injuries due to being under the influence of alcohol and attempting to cross the road. LHD lawyers secured the client a Motor Vehicle Accident payout of $200,000.00.
NSW Client,
Motor Vehicle Accident
Win $150,000.00
Our client was involved in a motorbike accident and sustained serious fracture injuries to the lower back, ribs and hand as well as injuries to the shoulder. Our client attempted to avoid a collision with the vehicle in front of them who stopped to perform an illegal U-turn causing our client to swerve across the roadway and crash through a barrier. The insurer disputed the claim and alleged our client contributed to their own injury through their own negligence by failing to keep a proper look out causing them to swerve off the road. LHD lawyers were able to negotiate a settlement of $150,000.00 for our client.
NSW Client,
Motor Vehicle Accident
Win $650,000.00
Our client was a passenger, asleep in a motor vehicle that lost control and collided into a tree in remote Western Australia. Our client sustained catastrophic injuries to all areas on their body causing them to be hospitalised for 90 days. Our client will require fusion surgeries in the future to both her ankles, extensive dental treatment, home modifications and paid assistance to help them carry out their household tasks. LHD Lawyers secured a settlement of $650,000.00 for our client in addition to medical expenses paid to the date of settlement.
WA Client,
Motor Vehicle Accident
Win $100,000.00
Our client was the rider of a motorcycle when the defendant pulled out from a side road in front of our client and caused them to take evasive action. They sustained a degloving injury to their testicle leaving them in excruciating pain that even the paramedics had never seen before. Our client underwent multiple surgeries with the final surgery being successful in resolving the pain completely. Although no collision occurred, our clients claim was accepted, and they received a settlement of $100,000.00.
WA Client,
Motor Vehicle Accident
Win $57,000.00
Our client was involved in an altercation with the Defendant which ultimately led to them being run over by the defendant. As a result, our client rolled over the windscreen and sustained a significant laceration to their arm requiring plastic surgery and further surgeries for the future. Our client also suffered from psychological injuries resulting in our client choosing to move state. Our client was not employed at the time of the crash and resolved their claim for the sum of $57,000.00.
WA Client,
Motor Vehicle Accident
Win $38,056.00
Our client was intoxicated when they crossed the road of an unlit street with dark clothing and was run over by a motor vehicle. They accepted 20% reduction to their claim for contributory negligence for the fact the vehicle could not see them in the dark and they was intoxicated. Our client did not have a claim for any loss of income and received a settlement of $38,056.00 for their injuries.
WA Client,
Motor Vehicle Accident
Win $65,000.00
Our client was injured at work when they were run over by a forklift. Our client sustained a crush injury to their foot which rendered them unfit to work for about 6 months. LHD lawyers assisted them with their workers compensation claim and settled the claim for $20,400.00 in addition to being paid for their time off work. LHD then continued to represent the client through a motor vehicle accident claim and successfully resolve that claim for a further $65,000.00.
WA Client,
Motor Vehicle Accident
Win $180,000.00
Our client was a passenger involved in a road rage incident which resulted in a high-speed motor vehicle accident. They sustained severe psychological injury along with injuries to the neck, lower back, groin and right knee in the accident. LHD Lawyers secured the client a settlement of $180,000.00 for pain and suffering and medical expenses.
NSW Client,
Motor Vehicle Accident
Win $906,000.00
Our client was a passenger in a high-speed motor accident. They sustained spinal fractures, fracture of the foot, fracture of the sternum, injury to left and right knees, right wrist, closed head injury and psychological sequalae. LHD Lawyers successfully provided a late explanation to the insurer for the late lodgment of the motor accident claim form. LHD Lawyers were able to negotiate a settlement of $906,000.00 for our client.
NSW Client,
Motor Vehicle Accident
Win $150,000.00
Our client was the rider of a motor cycle when the defendant turned in front of our client's motor cycle causing them to take evasive action to avoid the accident. Our client sustained serious injuries to their right shoulder which will later require a replacement. Our client settled their claim for $150,000.
WA Client,
Motor Vehicle Accident
Win $1,176,750.00
Our client was a passenger in a car driving along a dirt road in the Great Southern region. The driver of the car lost control of the car causing it to roll over multiple times. As the car rolled our client's hand was flung out of the car and they lost three fingers on their left hand. Client was initially hesitant to pursue a claim as they felt that it would not be viable. LHD Lawyers secured a settlement of $1,176,750 for our client in addition to all medical expenses paid to the date of the settlement.
WA Client,
Motor Vehicle Accident
Win $200,000.00
Our client was riding their motor cycle when another vehicle turned in front of our client causing them to collide with that vehicle. Our client sustained extensive injuries to their right foot rendering them unfit to work and requiring multiple operations with a fusion surgery predicted for the future. Our client transferred to LHD Lawyers from another firm and we were able to settle their claim for $200,000.
WA Client,
Motor Vehicle Accident
Win $145,000.00
Our client was a front seat passenger in a motor vehicle when the driver lost control of the vehicle and collided with a tree. They suffered a burst L2 fracture, liver lacerations, rib fractures, facial abrasions, stress and anxiety. Our client did not suffer any loss of earnings but did undergo a fusion surgery to their spine and recovered well. Our client resolved their claim for $145,000.
WA Client,
Motor Vehicle Accident
Win $1,600,000.00
Our client, a carpenter, was a riding their motor cycle when a car pulled out in front of them causing them to collide with the car. They sustained injuries to their elbow and pelvis. LHD Lawyers secured a settlement of $1,600,000 plus considerable medical expenses incurred to the date of settlement.
WA Client,
Motor Vehicle Accident
Win $675,000.00
Our client was a front seat passenger in a vehicle being driven on country roads in Bridgetown, Western Australia when the driver lost control of the vehicle and collided into another vehicle head on. Our client sustained serious life threatening injuries requiring hospitalisation for 39 days. LHD Lawyers negotiated a settlement of $675,000.
WA Client,
Motor Vehicle Accident
Win $775,000.00
Our client, a shop assistant, was the passenger on a motorcycle taking a scenic drive through the South West. The motorcycle which they were on was clipped by another motorcycle on a sweeping bend in the road, causing both motorcycles to crash. Our client sustained injuries to their knee. LHD Lawyers managed to secure the payment of their considerable hospital expenses as well as a lump sum settlement of $775,000.
WA Client,
Motor Vehicle Accident
Win $240,000.00
Young client who sustained injuries in 2018 in an accident where they were a passenger in a vehicle that was struck head on by another driver who was at fault. Significant debate with the TAC over whether the injuries satisfied the 'serious injury' threshold required in order to claim common law damages. Ultimately, we were able to provide sufficient materials to the TAC to obtain the grant of the required certificate, particularly in respect of our client being forced to change their employment role solely due to their injuries. We then proceeded to obtain a settlement of the claim for damages at conference with the TAC.
VIC Client,
Motor Vehicle Accident
Win $300,000.00
Client sustained significant injuries when rear ended and pushed into the path of oncoming traffic. In addition to obtaining an excellent result on the client's common law claim, we were able to successfully pursue a dispute application with the TAC in relation to treatment expenses that were initially denied.
VIC Client,
Motor Vehicle Accident
Win $247,180.00
Client sustained significant injuries when rear-ended in a collision. Received a significant impairment assessment that provided them with a deemed serious injury certificate. The common law resolution was reached on the basis that they retain their impairment compensation, taking the total settlement to effectively $300,000 for pain and suffering damages only.
VIC Client,
Motor Vehicle Accident
Win $113,000.00
Client sustained injury in circumstances where they were a passenger in a vehicle that ran off the road. The accident occurred in 2008, and the statute of limitations had long expired when the client retained LHD. After a protracted and hard fought matter, a resolution was able to be obtained with the TAC ahead of a scheduled VCAT hearing.
VIC Client,
Motor Vehicle Accident
Win $95,000.00
Client was a pedestrian and sustained injuries when they were struck by a vehicle crossing a road in circumstances where it was getting dark and they were not at a marked pedestrian crossing. TAC initially denied liability for common law purposes. We were able to obtain a resolution at conference with the TAC for an amount that involved a reduction for contributory negligence.
VIC Client,
Motor Vehicle Accident
Win $586,700.00
Our client was subjected to bullying and harassment during the course of their employment at a Union. They developed Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and a Major Depressive Disorder. LHD lodged a TPD claim for our client which was approved, but a contest ensued between the insurer and superfund trustee as to the client’s date ceased work. LHD assisted and pressed both parties in arriving at a consensus to enable our client to promptly receive their monies. Our client was very happy with the outcome of their claim.
NSW Client,
Motor Vehicle Accident PTSD
Win $403,758.80
Our client in NSW was rear-ended by a minivan in 2016 while waiting for a roundabout to clear. After spinning into the roundabout and colliding with other cars, they sustained injuries to their neck, shoulder, upper and lower back, and buttocks.
LHD Lawyers secured the client a Motor Vehicle Accident payout of $403,758.80 based on their pain and suffering.
NSW Client,
Motor Vehicle Accident
Win $374,910.21
Our client sustained neck and shoulder injuries in a 2015 road accident in NSW. While approaching an intersection in the middle lane, a vehicle in the left lane pulled in front of them causing a collision.
Initially the insurer disputed their claim, however we took the matter to a CARS (Claims Assessment and Resolution Service) hearing, where the client was awarded $374,910, after fees.
NSW Client,
Motor Vehicle Accident